Friday, 2 December 2011

ATM: December Issue

*Dr.Amar P. Dwivedi   
*Associate Professor, Shalya tantra Dept.,Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Ayurved,
 Navi Mumbai.
In Ayurveda, treatment with heat burns is called as ‘Agni Karma’, It is also called as ‘Dahan Karma’. In modern terminology, ‘Agni Karma’ therapy can be termed as ‘Intentional Heat Burn Therapy’.
   Material used for Agni karma (as per disease)-
Depending upon the Disease & its predominant  Doshas, different material (Probes) and its temperature is selected for the treatment.
      1) Twakadagdha - Pippali, Ajasakrida,  Godanta, Shara, Shalaka
      2) Mamsadagdha - Jambhavsta Shalakla and Other Metals
      3 )Sira, Snayu, Sandhi -Asthidagdha - Madhu, Jaggery and Sneha
 In brief, in catabolic or degenerative diseases Gold or Silver probe should be used, similarly in anabolic and hyper growth conditions Pancha dhatu or iron probe can be used.
However, practically  material required for ‘Agnikarm’ are: Spirit lamp as heat source, sterile water, cotton swabs, gauze pieces, Yastimadhu Ghrita etc for post Agnikarma dressing.

Heat generated by different materials:
Heat generated by shalaka’s on heating(red hot) are as follows -
     Types of shalakas                                Temperatures
          Gold                                        62oC
          Silver                                          350oC
          Copper                                      212 oC
          Iron                                            228o C
          Pippali                                        57 oC
          Aja sakrit                                  45-55 oC

Types of Agni karma according to different shapes:



Ardha Chandra




Site of Heat Burns as per diseases -
In shirorog
(Headache, Migraine, Adhimantha etc.)

Between two eyebrow & 
Frontal and temporal area

In Painful conditions & Vataja disease like-
       Heal pain & Calcaneal Spur
       Sandhitgat vata & Ama vata,
       Frozen shoulder, sciatica
       Cervical spondylosis etc

At the site of maximum pain.

Cyst, Mass, Warts, Tumor, Piles, Fistula, Bleeding disorders etc

After excision, at the bed of wound
In Incomplete  Inguinal hernia

-On the first toe of leg of opposite side  of the body &
-At superficial inguinal ring
In disease of eye lids (Entropion etc.)

Roots of eye lashes

Effects of Agni Karma:
Theory – 1 
Agni karma

Ushan guna( Hot properties)

Qualities against Vata & Kapha dosha

Pacifies vata & reduces kapha

Reduces pain

Theory – 2
Agni karma

Ushan guna( Hot properties)

Increase in the Dhatvagni (Tissue fire)

Manda Dhatvagni gets pacified

Enhances nourishment                            Also performs Ama Pachan
- formation good newer tissues              & removal of accumulated toxins

Procedure of ‘ Agnikarm’
For simplifying or understanding the procedure of ‘ Agnikarm’, it can be described as per ‘Trividh Karm’ i.e. Poorvakarm, Pradhankarm & Pasachatkarm.
Procedure of ‘ Agnikarm’
·        Patients consent to undergo Agni karma treatment
·        Routine blood investigations like CBC, Blood Sugar etc
·        Inj. T.T. IM (Prophylectically)
·        Confirmation of site of Agni Karma and marked
·        Patient is taken in confidence

During the procedure the patient may feel pain so he should be taken in confidence and assistance may be required to hold them so that heat burns can be performed at appropriate site.
·        The selected site is cleaned with ‘Triphala quath’ or ‘Normal saline’ & the area is covered with sterile drape ( Hole towel). In any condition sprit should not be applied for cleansing the part.

·        Avoid ‘Agnikarm’ in ‘ Sharad & Grishm’ Ritu if possible.

Main procedure –
·        Two different ‘Agnikarm’ techniques are practiced. 
1.     Intermittent, Multiple Heat Burns- In this ‘Agnikarm’ is done by giving intermittent, multiple Heat burns over the desired site.  
2.     Continuous Heating Method- In this method, tip of the  ‘Agnikarm’ shalaka is kept in touch with desired site, whereas continuous heating is given on the other end by a candle or any other light source. 
·        According to disease superficial burns i.e “Twaka Dagda” for disease receding superficially and deep heat burns i.e.; Mansa Dagda’ is done for deep seated diseases.
·        Depending on the nature of the  disease ,the predominance of doshas and its site 10-12 heat burns are done with appropriate  shalakas.
·        In chronic disease for 3-4 sittings of agni karma is required in interval of 15 days.



Post- Operative-
·        Yashti madhu ghrita, Rakta chandan siddha ghrita or lepa of ghrita mixed with honey can also be applied prior to Dressing.
These medicines help to reduces the burning sensation and pain caused by heat burns , also they help in healing procedure.
·        The site of Agni karma is done is prevented from contact with water (thus it will prevent it from infections)
·        Sukshama triphala vati or Triphala guggul internally is advised.
·        If pain is unbearable then modern medicines like anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti biotic to prevent secondary infection can given.
Some people experience Severe pain after heat burn therapy but it subsides on its own in due course of time, in the same way, as after other surgeries patients have to bear the pain at the site of operation for few time.
General Signs of Adequate heat burns
·        The patients pain is immediately relived after heat burns
·        The effected parts gets lighter
·        The patient is relived from disease

 Mechanism  of action of ‘Agni Karma therapy’ 
Effect on Metabolism
          The place where Agnikarma is performed,the local tissue metabolism is improved & various metabolic and rejuvenating changes takes places  which leads to increased demand of oxygen and nutrient of the tissues at that site.Similarly, it  also excretes the unwanted metabolites and toxins..

Effect on pain
Due to increased  local metabolism, the waste products (metabolites) which are produced gets excreted, which normalize the blood circulation & releases the pressure on end nerves,  thus resulting in reduction in intensity of pain.

Effect of heat on Muscles Tissues
Rise in temperature induces relaxation of muscles & increase the efficiency of their  action.

1 comment:

  1. plz check this out
